Shamanic Healing Training is available for those working in the healing arts, breathwork practitioners, therapists, counsellors, massage therapists, those in the helping fields, and all people interested in learning about shamanic healing. You can join the program for your own personal growth and/or to learn valuable tools to help others and enrich your own work.
Shamanic Healing Training is divided into 7 parts. Part 1 & 2 must be completed before going on to Part 4, 5 or 6. Part 3 can be done at any time. It is not necessary to do Part 3 prior to Part 4. Part 4 is highly recommended for those wishing to work in person with clients. All of the training must be attended in order to obtain a certificate of completion.
Certification will be given at the completion of the training.
Part One: Shamanic Journey and the Dreaming Worlds
Begins on the 28th August 2024 held online via zoom over 12 Tuesday evenings 6pm-8pm AWST.
This is held online via zoom. All participants will be invited to a fb group for group sharing and support. Videos of the training evenings will also be uploaded to the fb group. It is preferable that you attend the zoom session live on the evening however if you do have to miss the videos will be available. Provision will also be made for students in other time zones where it is difficult to attend the live training to give their feedback and ask questions on the fb page where Claire will be available to answer questions.
Cost: $960.00 (includes GST) if paid by the 14th August 2024 or $1010 if paid after the 14th August 2024
Part Two: Deeper into the World
Shamanic Tracking and the Spirit of the Elements
begins on the 28th May (Tuesdays) 6-8pm
Held online over 10 weeks comprising of 2 hours per week.
Cost: $800 includes GST
Part Three: Energy, Extraction, and Soul Retrieval
Held online over 4 full days 9am-4pm AWST
Cost: $1120
Part Four: Working with Dreams
Held online over 6 weeks comprising of 2 hours per week.
Cost: $480.00 includes GST
Part Five: Deep Listening to the Dreaming of the Body
Held in person over 6 days. (If you wish to hold this part of the training program in your area please contact Claire).
Cost: $1650.00 includes GST
Part 6: Deepening the Work in the Worlds
Held over 5 days 9am-4pm AWST daily
Cost: $1375.00 includes GST
Part 7: Death and Dismemberment in Shamanic Healing
Held over 2 days 9am-4pm AWST
Cost: $550.00 includes GST
Part One: Shamanic Journey and the Dreaming Worlds
Foundations of Shamanic Healing
Learn about the shamanic way of seeing the world.
In this module you will begin the journey of connecting to the dreaming world and understand how this sets the stage for the shamanic healing session, and applying shamanism to enrich other modalities.
Learn how to create a powerful sacred space, call upon and come into right relationship with the guides and spirits that are present in the unseen world. Learn how to come into right relationship with Nature to become the ‘hollow bone’ and a conduit for healing.
Awake Dreaming: Learn Shamanic Journey
Learn to journey into the three worlds of core shamanism to meet guardian spirits, spirit helpers and teachers. Learn how to go into an altered state of consciousness to enter non ordinary reality and connect with your own inner landscape and imagery for insight, love, and profound healing. Learn how to retrieve personal power, and journey to find your own power animal.
Spiritual Guides, Helping Spirits and Non-Ordinary Reality
Deepen your connection to the other worlds and connect with your spiritual lineage and the helping spirits that will work with and through you. You will learn how to gather power (love and wisdom) in the other worlds and become like a hollow bone for spirit to move through you.
Part Two: Deeper into The Worlds
Working with the Spirits of the Elements
Learn how to consciously work with the spirit of the Elements and open to being a conduit for their powerful presence and transformative energies in the session. Learn how to actively engage with the Spirit of the elements and gain valuable allies for healing.
Shamanic Tracking in the Worlds
Learn how to journey in non-ordinary reality into the other worlds and identify the stories and energies that are affecting the energy of your client, particularly those that are keeping them stuck in dysfunctional patterns. You will learn how to track energy in a session, to support your client to identify and release stories that are present in their energetic field. Gain skills to improve your psychic and intuitive abilities.
Part Three: Energy, Extraction, and Soul Retrieval
Intrusive Energy and Shamanic Extraction
Online or in person held over Saturday & Sunday daily 9am-4pm AWST
There are many types of energies that sit in the luminous energy field that can contribute to dis-ease and create blockages in the energy field. In this module you learn the shamanic process of extraction of intrusive energies: entities, energetic cords, heavy energy, and curses. You will learn to work with many different tools that will support the extraction process. Intrusive energies stop the process of healing and contribute to many forms of dis-ease, health challenges, and addiction issues, this work is important knowledge for breathwork practitioners and those working in the healing and helping fields.
Soul and Power Retrieval
Online Friday evening- Saturday
Learn how to journey into non-ordinary reality to perform a soul retrieval. This is powerful work to bring about healing to the energetic field and deeply supports the healing of challenging or traumatic experiences that can arise in a session. Learn to work with the helping spirits to reclaim lost power to support the client to move through trauma and blocked energy. Step into your own power as a practitioner.
Part Four: Working with Dreams
Working with Night Dreams and Hypnogogic States
Shamanic cultures are rich dreaming cultures that understand the importance of paying attention to night time dreams. All of our ancestral traditions understood the importance of dreams to connect with ancestors and guides in other realms of consciousness. In this module we work consciously to re-connect to and understand this ancient wisdom that visits us nightly.
Together we will explore night dreams and hypnogogic states of consciousness. Learn how important dreams are in the foundations of shamanic healing and how to bring this into your own work. Learn how to develop a rich dreaming life and listen and respond to the wisdom of dreams and hypnogogic states. We explore different types of dreams and what guidance they can offer. Learn how to re-enter a dream to discover greater depths of wisdom, and learn how to hold space for others to re-enter their own dreams and experience opportunities for healing and awareness.
Part Five: Deep Listening to the Dreaming of the Body
Deep Listening Bodywork
The intelligence of the body is deeply connected to the subconscious mind and dreaming field. You will be accessing the dreaming of the body through deep listening. The dreaming of the body holds the blueprint for experiences in this lifetime. Where there is contraction in the tissue there is a story to be heard and transformed for healing in the inner dreaming.
Learn to listen deeply to and safely engage the body’s healing intelligence. Using therapeutic touch, you will learn how to access the healing power of the body and apply this to support healing and release in the client’s body.
Deep listening bodywork will help to unwind tension, release pain from the body, transform dis-ease, and release old stories and trauma from the cellular memory and inner dreaming landscape. Learn how to work on and off the body, in the energetic field and the physical body. As the body releases tension, the breath opens and deepens with ease. You will learn how to tap into and work with the natural releasing breath.
This work is valuable for those wishing to work with shamanic healing in person. The work also serves to deepen and enhance a breathwork, session, as well as any other modality in the healing arts. This is also offered to those who wish to explore deeply their own body’s innate ability to heal and release old stories that are creating limitations in life, as well as pain and tension.
Reading the Body’s Language
You will learn how to read the body’s language and most importantly that which is not expressed; this becomes a powerful place to explore in a session.
Discover how perception underlies posture, and how expanding perception supports the unwinding of tension and dis-ease. You will learn how your language toward your client can powerfully support their process of internal awareness that leads to the unwinding of pain and tension, and a deeper connection to their own breath and process of transformation. You will learn how to read the body to help bring a person to release their limitations and discover and embody a truer sense of self.
Students will also participate in experiential work to understand how to consciously manifest their own dreams through embodiment; anchoring into their body and energy field. Learn how to facilitate this with your clients.
Part Six: Deepening the Work in the Worlds
Stories, Symbols, and Myths: Tracking and Transformation in Non-Ordinary Reality
Deepen your understanding of the narrative that arises in the session, and support the transformation inherent in the symbols, archetypal images, and myths that you encounter. Learn to track and identify the myths that present in your clients, helping them to transform those stories. your own personal myth and to rewrite the stories that don’t serve you.
You will learn the skills to work powerfully over distance with your clients. Working with the helping spirits in the archetypal realms. Learn how to work over the phone or internet tracking the stories and myths that arise in the session, working deeper in non-ordinary reality.
Track and identify the myths and stories that present in your own dreaming and energy field; learning to rewrite the stories that don’t serve you. Identify and track your own story, detox your energy field, and remove intrusive energy with a process where you can work deeply on yourself.
Ancestral Healing
We will look at how to track, identify, and work with generational trauma and curses that are blocking energy flow and creating addiction, illness, and misfortune. This includes powerful ancestral depossession work. This work will bring energy, love and wisdom to your healing practice and deep healing and support to help your clients. You will gain the skills to help your clients move through challenging and stuck areas that are not responding to other forms of healing or therapy.
This work will also give you skills for the healing of your own generational trauma, and reconnection to your ancestral lineage.
You will have the opportunity to enquire into those areas of your own life where you seem to have the biggest hurdles, and you will be working to transform old energetic contracts, beliefs, and carried feelings.
Connect with ancestral allies and ancestral helping spirits. This is an opportunity to broaden your understanding of working in the shamanic realms. Bring the ancestral gifts into awareness and reclaim love, power, wisdom, and destiny.
Part 7: Death and Dismemberment in Shamanic Healing
Death and Shamanic Dismemberment
In this module you will learn about death from the shamanic perspective. Explore how death can show up in a client’s life and energy field, and how to work with it.
You will learn about the journey the soul takes at death and what can be done to prepare for death.
You will learn to recognise and transform your own unconscious death urge and how to work with it in a client. Experience a shamanic dismemberment journey, and the application of this journey to support your client.
Learn the art of walking with death as an ally in life.