The Soul’s path is the one that calls us. True healing requires us to listen deeply to the call of the Soul. Our life changes for the positive when we step onto the path of the Soul, and this is where the true adventure begins.. when we feel the fear and do it anyway. Much like setting out on a road trip and you don’t know where you are really headed to.. the Soul is whispering and the heart is answering.. there is JOY.. and life has again become an adventure!
For the Soul speaks to us in glimpses where we sense, see, or feel, our destiny belongs. Do we know how we are going to get there? No! There is always a sense of risk.. for we are stepping out of our comfort zone. Guess what folks.. our Soul does not grow in comfort zones! There is excitement, and yes possibly fear.. we definitely feel the need to breathe deeply!
This is the zone where true healing occurs, for if we do not follow our soul’s calling ultimately a crisis will occur.. this may be at the level of our health or finances, relationships, or career.. and deep down inside we know what it is about, we know we are not doing what we really want!
In my 29 years of working with people in the healing arts I have found that even when folk come to me saying.. I don’t know what I really want.. and when I work with them and read their energy field.. listen deeply to connect them with their Soul, and speak of that calling.. they always say yes I’ve always known that! Sometimes we work hard to hide the truth from ourselves!
The Soul’s path is what we are here to live.. where the joy, love, abundance, and creativity exists. But first we must listen deeply, and step onto the path.. grow and face the challenges.. and truly come alive!