Experience the healing power of Transpersonal Breathwork!
Claire brings together a unique fusion of breathwork and shamanism to create a magical environment for profound healing and heightened states of consciousness.
In a space of safety, love, and nurture experience the power of your breath and Spirit to:
- Release tension, dis-ease, old beliefs, and stuck emotions
- Move energetic blocks
- Overcome anxiety
- Experience the underlying causes of dis-ease
- Come back into right relationship with your Self
- Empower yourself
- Connect to the natural intelligence in your body and life
- Heal ancestral issues
- Relax deeply
- Experience yourself as a powerful energetic being
Transpersonal Breathwork will put you in touch with your powerful spiritual self; you can access other dimensions and connect with guides and departed loved ones.
The more breathwork you do, the more you expand your awareness and connect with your multidimensional Self.
As you breathe and heal you open up to the many possibilities of experience in this body and life, past lives, ancestral energies,
connection to the web of life, and ultimately bliss consciousness.. the unconditional love of Source energy!
Breathwork will connect you to your wisdom within to guide you in your life, and uncover a sense of purpose.
Claire calls in the powerful protective and healing energy’s of her Spirit Allies to support you and create a very Sacred Space for your deep immersion.
In this workshop you will have the experience of being both a sitter to support another in the breathing process, and a breather.
This workshop is also a great introduction for those interested in the Transpersonal Breathwork Training, an in-depth training in Breathwork and Shamanic Healing.
Claire is professional breathwork practitioner and trainer and shamanic healer with over 27 years of experience. Claire is recognized by the Australian Breathwork Association.
Cost: $495.00 or Early bird Special: $450.00 (if paid by January 1st 2020)
If this workshop is not currently available, Contact Claire to register your interest