Today I am reflecting on the inner life of our dreaming landscape, and how powerful it is when we can tune in and utilise it in our lives in a very practical way.
Over the years I have seen that the quality of a person’s inner life affects the external quality of their life. I have learnt how to ‘see’ into the inner landscape of the energy field surrounding my client, and find out what they need to release and also focus on, in order to create flow, healing, manifestation, and transformation in their life. This is also what I am passionate about teaching people how to do for themselves, and also training my students to be able to ‘see’ for their clients; a valuable tool for all who work in the field of coaching, therapy, breathwork, and the healing arts.
Certain symbols, archetypes, images, people, and scenarios arise as though I am watching a dream develop, this why it is known as the dreaming world. The characters speak in the universal language of imagery. This language is not only for gifted seers, shaman, and mediums; however can be learnt and developed by anyone who is drawn to putting in the time and effort to learn.
The dreaming worlds speak of what is in the field that may be out of the awareness of everyday consciousness however can give amazing insight into what is either about to happen or is affecting a person’s life. When this is attended to then the energy around a person changes and the story that plays out in the physical world can manifest in a different way. Not everything can be completely changed, however much can be!
All of our ancestors back in time, as well as shamanic peoples around the world have used these skills to improve the quality of their lives. It is as important a skill today as it was when our ancestors were hunters and gatherers. So useful for successfully navigating relationships, finances, creativity, business, career, family, and of course our own healing.
I know these inner worlds are real, because of the many experiences I have had, as well as evidence that has come directly from my work with my clients. In the world’s mystical traditions as well as shamanic cultures the energetic or inner worlds are where ideas and experiences are first seeded. Everything comes from within. This can be seen taking place in night-time dreams. It is not unusual for people to have precognitive dreams where they get to experience, along with added insight, what is to soon take place in their lives.
If we can get the gist of what is cooking up in our inner worlds, then we can bring consciousness into the mix and shift what needs to be shifting before we create our experiences; it may even be to take the ride with more awareness and less struggle.
Keeping a dream journal is a great way to take notice of what is showing up in your inner worlds, you will find that over time symbols and people and events repeat and a rich story unfolds. It is from this place that I love to work with my clients and students for it takes the work into rich territory. Breathwork and shamanic healing becomes so much deeper and more powerful when we acknowledge and respond to our dreaming world and the characters and symbols inherent.